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No matter where you live in Canada, we can work together since all of our meetings are virtual.


To find out whether we are a good fit, I offer a free 15 minute phone conversation, followed by a written summary of our conversation and an outline of the work we can do together together with a price. If you don't fit neatly into one of the packages below, don't worry - I'll give you a custom flat-fee price based on what you need. 


No hidden costs and no surprises. 


Review and Plan


We will take a holistic view of your financial situation to get a good picture of where you're at now and what your financial future could look like.

Each stage of life has unique financial needs. It's important that we take the time to talk about and explore what your current obligations and needs are, what's important to you, and what you look forward to in the future. 

You will receive a written plan that's unique to you written in plain language. 

Laying a foundation

You’re 30-ish. You’ve got a pretty good job, renting a nice place, going out on weekends, and generally enjoying the fact that you have freedom and money. But you have a nagging suspicion that you’re not saving enough for the future. How much should you be putting aside for retirement? Will you be able to buy a house at some point? Getting your money in order now has huge benefits.

Peak responsibilities

You’re in your 40s and in the thick of life. Work is full-on, the kids need a lot of time and attention, and there’s always something that needs to be done on the house. Your to-do and to-buy lists are never ending. You wonder whether you are doing ok financially. Can you afford to send the kids to overnight camp this summer? You’d really like an upgraded bathroom but not sure if you have the money. Oh, and what about retirement? Gaining clarity and having a plan will help relieve the pressure.

Taking a breath

You’re in your 50’s. Life has been busy: work, kids, house…you’ve barely had time to think about your finances. The kids are adults now and are (mostly!) independent. With the major financial obligations behind you, you’re looking ahead to what’s next. Can I retire soon or reduce my work hours? Now that the mortgage is paid off, we have all this extra cash flow – what do we do with it? Should we stay in our house or downsize? Taking stock of where you're at now will help you decide what to do next.


You’re in your 60’s and retirement is on your doorstep. You’re happy about that but wonder whether you are financially ready and how to best use the savings you’ve built up over the years. How much can you draw in income every year and for how long? Should you start taking money out of your RRSP right away or wait? What about CPP? If you own a house, you might be wondering how that fits into your plan. Should you sell it or stay as long as possible? Answering these questions will allow you to fully revel in your retirement.

Second Opinion

on Your Investments



If you work with a financial advisor or invest on your own, getting a second opinion on your portfolio can help you feel confident that you're doing the right thing. Or, maybe it's time for a change.

Become a

Do-It-Yourself Investor


If you want to take control of your investments and reduce the fees you pay, learning to DIY is might be just the thing for you. But getting going can be intimidating. I'll teach you what you need to know about DIY investing, with a focus on using ETFs. 


Young Person's Package

Learning about money management early in your adult life can have a significantly positive impact on your future.


Get one-on-one personalized advice and financial education on all kinds of topics to set yourself up for financial success.

Investin Vid
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